Interim evaluation of the participation of SMEs in the Cooperation Programme and the research for the benefit of SMEs schemes


Name of the project:
Interim evaluation of the participation of SMEs in the Cooperation Programme and the research for the benefit of SMEs schemes
European Commission – DG for research and innovation
Date of implementation:
Place of implementation:
EU Member States
Place of our site investigation
Czech Republic
Description of the project
Interim evaluation of the participation of SMEs in the Cooperation Programme and the research for the benefit of SMEs schemes under the Capacities Programme of the Seventh Framework for Research, Technological development and Demonstration activities (2007-2013)
The overall objectives of this evaluation is twofold:
-       to asses the relevance, effeciency and effectivenenss of the two initiatives
-       to asses the impacts on economic performance, European Added Value (EAV), behavioural additionality and innovation
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