EN - Evaluation of the System of Indicators’ Setting for the ROP Southeast and Proposal for its Improvement


Name of the project:
Evaluation of the System of Indicators’ Setting for the ROP Southeast and Proposal for its Improvement
Regional Council of the Southeast Cohesion Region
RegioPartner, Ltd.
Cooperating subject:
Naviga4, s.r.o and AQE advisors, a.s. 
Date of implementation:
02/2009 – 07/2009
Description of the project
The aim of the project is to contribute to the improvement of the ROP Southeast implementation, or to the improvement of the system of indicators’ setting respectively, in order to ensure that the system is capable of assuring high quality data for the future as well as final evaluation of the ROP SE objectives’ fulfilment and its contribution to the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) and Community policies. Therefore, the objective of the project is to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the ROP SE system of indicators and specification of proposals and recommendations for its amendment.  
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