EN - Financing Eco-innovation


Name of the project:
Financing Eco-innovation
DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission
EIM Business & Policy Research in cooperation with Oxford Research
RegioPartner, s.r.o.
Date of implementation:
Place of implementation:
Germany, France, United Kingdom, Denmark, Slovenia, Finland, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Poland and Austria
Description of the project
The study was performed under the Framework Contract (FC) for the provision of economic studies in support of SME policy development and implementation. The ultimate objective of the study was to gain a better understanding of financing issues faced by eco-innovative SMEs in their early stages, as well as those faced by their investors, in order to allow an improved design of instruments in support for eco-innovation at the European and national levels (particularly in light of the new financial framework after 2013).
RegioPartner ensured two of the central activities in Czech Republic - a comprehensive literature review and identification of eco-innovative SMEs with a particular focus of early stage SMEs. The identified companies were later contacted in relation to their participation in a telephonic survey.
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