Inclusive Entrepreneurship Country Policy Assessment 2018

Název projektu/zakázky:
Inclusive Entrepreneurship Country Policy Assessment 2018
Termín realizace:
04/2018 – 07/2018
Stav realizace:
Popis projektu
The objective of the country policy assessment notes is to provide country-level analysis to the European Commission and OECD on key outstanding challenges for inclusive entrepreneurship policy within each EU Member State and potential Member State actions that could be developed to address these challenges by presenting a) problems faced by disadvantaged entrepreneurs; b) existing policies addressing the problem; and c) the gaps and weaknesses in the policies. The notes will, in a structured manner, present data on entrepreneurship activity and self-employment rates and the barriers experienced by people in key social target groups (the unemployed, youth, women, seniors, and immigrants), assess the appropriateness and quality of existing policy actions in this field relative to the scale and nature of needs, review the appropriateness of future policy plans and develop country-specific policy advice for addressing policy gaps and improving policy design.